Tuesday, April 15, 2014


So this is not about Beyonce, I just wanted y'all to read LOL! Since you're here you might as well read it out though 😉  I promise to entertain and hold your interest. Since I did drag you here under false pretenses let's talk about Beyonce for a little. She is a beautiful woman who men drool over and women secretly envy, people turn heads at her every move, defend her honor more than they do President Obama and the ground she walks on is worshipped. Let's #Pause for a second and this is not to bash her, to destroy her name or throw shade because I was once a fan myself. I don't hate her, I hate how people act about her and have put her so high on this pedestal that none of us can meet her standard of beauty, talent and skill. 

The real title of this was suppose to be: Spirit Detox but I couldn't think of how to draw you in so I used deception. That's the enemy's tactic and tool all the time! Pure deception, you saw the name Beyonce and were automatically drawn by the mention. Why can't we be like that about Jesus?? Romans 1:29 states: "Their lives became full of every kind of wickedness, sin, greed, hate, envy, murder, quarreling, deception, malicious behavior, and gossip."
We become so caught up in everything that's going on that we become almost immune to the things and people who are corrupting us. A little of this is alright it won't hurt me and this mess is kind of entertaining so I'll watch it. The other night I decided to tune into Real Housewives of Atlanta, I laughed at the fact that I once took these middle aged women with highschool drama seriously! You wanna know the odd part? That night I had a dream that me and Nene's husband got in a fight LOL and woke up upset! That's silly right? I don't know him! You see how the smallest things can alter our emotions? We watch mess then next thing we know we are having messy thoughts. 

I was an avid Scandal watcher and when God instructed me not to watch anymore I was so hesitant! I was like this isn't God, this is my emotions 😂 well duh we are emotional beings and God is a stabilizer! After Scandal my mind, heart would be racing like I was high and I kid you not I'd spend a week anticipating Thursday nights. God said you are promoting purity and mess how do you justify that Ciara??! I felt guilty and slowly I backed off. I was already struggling with celibacy so why on earth would I watch that and cause myself to stumble. The enemy is shifty, first season wasn't so bad but by then end of second season I was like oh ok God my spirit is being contaminated. It's not about whether you feel like you're easily influenced or not, if you rep Christ you have uphold his image. Since then my eyes have been opened so much and my spirit is so sensitive to the things I watch and listen to. 2 Peter 2:19: "They promise freedom, but they themselves are slaves of sin and corruption. For you are a slave to whatever controls you.
It slips in when we make excuses and exceptions for the little things which turn into big things. 

GUARD YOUR HEART!!! Thanks for reading until we meet again, be blessed.

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