A year ago I sat on my pink carpet packing boxes and crying... I sat in my pink room alone and so afraid of this journey that God had told me to go on! A year ago I didn't know my right from my left... I didn't understand why God would take me from "comfort" or why he'd separate me from what I felt was all I needed. The past year of my life I've stumbled, I've fell, I've tripped but I've grown. I learned what being on your own truly is. I've learned how to get by, how to survive and how to pray. I learned how to love harder and how to navigate my way through this city which can be so cold at times. I learned how to look forward to quiet time with God and how to push even when it hurt. God I have become this woman who just wants to love people and live for you. I've become this woman who studies your word on her lunch breaks and who people stick up and vouch for... I've become this woman who has been shown so much favor and I don't understand any of it lol! I don't understand how three girls can come to a city with nothing but faith and end up with jobs with benefits and a beautiful home... I couldn't see my way out of a paper bag 6 months ago, I felt like you'd forsaken me God... I was angry with you for bringing me here and angry with you for letting me suffer. Through dark times you were molding and shaping and I'm so grateful for the nights spent crying and praying. Look at what you've done in a year...